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Be part of GIA
Excluding Requirements:
Be taking the 3rd. year or have received careers related to Hygiene, Safety and / or Environment
Be between 21 and 32 years old
Having a high commitment to work, respect for punctuality and a great desire to grow professionally
Send us your CV and complete the HR contact form
Send your CV (respecting the Suggestions to be selected) only to the email box enabled to apply:
Suggestions for being selected:
Complete this form correctly
Tell us about your achievements, your aspirations, and reasons that make you stand out from other applicants.
Send your CV with updated photo and complete personal data
In the subject clearly place the place where you apply (eg: CABA, PCIA DE BUENOS AIRES, ROSARIO, or where you reside)
We provide verifiable references (from teachers, or bosses you have had)
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